Page 6: Massage

Massage In-service

Basic Massage Techniques: See handout ( Massage with knowledge of muscle position and direction of fibers.

*Relax tight muscles: Decreases pressure and increases healing
*Increase circulation / blood flow: Increase healing
*Increase metabolism and performance
*Decrease Inflammation:  Effleurage technique is used by strokes going towards the heart, distal to
    proximal of extremities..
*Cross fiber friction massage: Breaking up and realign muscle fibers.
*Myofacial Release: Separate adhered soft tissue from other structures, improving better movement
    alignment and posture.

Massage type according to etiology and symptoms:
*If patient has joint pain with soft tissue stretching, Effleurage may not be indicated, and may aggravate
    patient’s condition. Petrissage or finger tip massage may be more tolerable and therapeutic.

Over surgical scar.
Massage of surgical scar. After wound is well healed and there is no open areas. Massage from one end of scar to the other, using a circular motion. Make three circles and then move up the scar slightly and make three more. Do this until you cover the entire length of scar. If you massage an area to much without moving there is a chance that the incision site could open up.  

It is important to remove necessary clothing and jewelry to give a proper massage.
To do this you may need to:
* Have patient change into a gown, for better access of area to be treated
* Set up a barrier or use a private room for patients comfort.

Massaging towards heart may be indicated if there are circulation issues.
If there is edema there may be a chance of claudicating and moderate or deep massage may be contraindicated.

Proper positioning should provide comfort so that patient may receive the greatest benefit from the
When prone, use pillow or role under ankles, pillow under stomach, and a cradle for patients face.
When supine a pillow or role under patient’s knees may increase comfort.
When side lying you can provide a pillow between patients legs, a pillow in front of the top arm and
another for their head.
When applying massage to a pregnant women: Have you can have them lay on there side with a pillow between there legs and a small pillow or folded towel under there belly for support.
You can also have them sit on a stool while leaning over a pillow(s) located on a treatment table.
Supine lying may also be comfortable when knees and hips are flexed by using a pillow or bolster under there knees. Do not do massage in the prone position.

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